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We believe in the future development of all children and the importance that sport has for their physical health, mental health and social growth. School clubs are a great opportunity for children to be physically active, be social and learn new skills.
We understand the difficulties and challenges in staffing and offering clubs t yuor children. Let AJB handle it and help you.
Need a specific sport covered? We cover all sports like Football, Tennis, Cricket and Gymnastics
Need assistance running sports activities for your children during lunch? We’re here to help
Physically active health programme focusing on Health and Wellbeing of children
Let us help teach your children how to become playground leaders and run safe activities.
Have children who need that little extra support? We can tailor sessions to their needs.
When the school day stops, the extra fun begins! We know how important after school childcare is for working parents. Thats why AJB Sports in Education have been working assisting, and running, wraparound clubs for primary schools since 2022.
We offer a fun, nurturing and all inclusive wraparound club for your children to attend after a day at school. Of course we bring a physically active element to the club as well!
Children can meet, interact and play with different children. A great chance to meet, and make new friends.
Lunch and After school clubs can provide a vital extra opportunity to be physically active in a busy day for your children.
Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to alleviate stress, boost happiness, and build confidence.
Lunch clubs can help alleviate those behaviour issues brought on by pent up energy and help focus in the classroom.
Want to know how we can help your school? Contact us today to see how we can help you. We tailor all of our clubs to you and to help take your school’s PE and sport offering to the next level with our tailored programmes.
We understand how busy a school day is, you can rest easy knowing that AJB are providing high quality, fun and safe sports clubs for your children.
Our Continual Professional Development program aims to offer on going support and advice to help empower teachers to deliver high quality physical education across their schools. We model our CPD with the PE Premium indicator: Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport, for example by providing staff with professional development, mentoring, training and resources to help them teach PE and sport more effectively to all pupils, and embed physical activity across your school
Lesson Planning Help
AJB will work with teachers to not only help empower them to deliver physical education sessions across KS1 and KS2 but also to help confidently plan progressive lessons. Through providing our own lesson plans and working with existing schemes of work used by schools, we help to walk through and breakdown the different lesson layouts that can be used: for example Step up, whole-part-whole and carousel.
We offer advice and experience on how to breakdown the PE lesson away from sport specific to basic fundamentals to cover the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum targets in a fun and safe way. A simple breakdown of lessons could be below:
As part of the lesson plan support we will offer advice on how to use the STEP process to have multiple plans and ways to edit your lessons for different ability levels, success levels and space / equipment available to you. AJB will provide its lesson planning to the schools to be used in the future for all or any teachers that wish to use them. We will also use editable lesson plans that can be used across multiple age groups and subjects.
In lesson support
AJB will work with and mentor teachers during their CPD time with their children by helping to run the lessons, provide feedback and offer insight into why we are delivering and how. Our objective over the course of the half term is to provide enough lessons and support that by the end the teaching staff are confident to run lessons with AJB staff in support. We would do this with a breakdown of the weeks between AJB delivering model sessions for the teaching staff who are observing to AJB staff supporting and the teaching staff leading. An example of a 6 week term may look like this:
Lesson 1: AJB deliver whole lesson – teaching staff observe
Lesson 2: AJB deliver whole lesson – teaching staff observe
Lesson 3: Teaching staff deliver warm up – AJB Support then deliver progression and end games
Lesson 4: Teaching staff deliver warm up and progress – AJB support and deliver end games
Lesson 5: Teaching staff deliver whole lesson – AJB support
Lesson 6: Teaching staff deliver whole lesson – AJB support
During these lesson plans AJB staff will explain each section of the lesson plan: Learning objectives, Warm up, progression and Mini games so that teaching staff gain an insight into why the lesson has been designed like this and what our objectives are.
Teacher confidence and subject knowledge
Our CPD can be used by school to target areas the teaching staff feel they needed further support on and help increase knowledge of a specific sport or subject. The ultimate goal is to up skill and empower teachers to increase their subject knowledge across the National Curriculum and deliver with confidence.
We aim to finish CPD with schools and teachers with those teachers feeling more confident in both planning and delivering PE lessons, as well as increasing their subject knowledge along the way. This is done with a combination of the lesson planning help, the in lesson support and the Support manager.
Diving deeper into our lesson plan support and in lesson support AJB will provide and walk through editable session plans that can cover multiple sports and National curriculum targets. We have found over the years that having adaptable and editable lesson plans allow teaching staff to increase their knowledge of how to plan different sports lessons using the same games and lesson format they have used previously. These editable lesson plans can then be used by teaching staff to plan future lessons. For example a generic ‘dribbling and traveling with a ball’ lesson plan can adapted to Football, Basketball and Hockey and even Rugby.
Support manager
AJB staff will be available to answer any questions that schools may have in the future once the CPD has ended (and during). This can be anywhere from answering questions regarding lessons plans, subjects or topics. Or simply being there for advice or feedback. This can be over email or phone calls.
Making PE sustainable:
Upon conclusion of your CPD with AJB Sports in Education, our target is that your staff will be more confident to be able to:
• Be able to confidently plan Physical Education lessons for a variety of subjects
• Deliver high-quality PE lessons on their own across varying topics and curriculums in a fun and safe way.
• Have an increased knowledge of the PE curriculum targets and how to use lesson planning to deliver this.
• Using the STEP process be able to differentiate lessons to enable pupils to include all children of all ability levels
• Have a set of Physical Education resources to use in future led how sessions.
AJB Sports in Education provide high quality, experienced specialists to run sessions for every school year (Reception – Year 6) during Term Time. We pride ourselves in delivering high quality, fun, creative and structured lessons covering the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculums. We work with your staff to target areas that either staff members wish to develop in or the school wishes to target specific sports or national curriculum topics for their children
We believe CPD should be very hands on with the teachers where we work together to run the sessions across the half term / term. It is not just the AJB staff that deliver the sessions, we like to incrementally shift the teaching from ourselves to the teacher so that at the end of the half term it is your staff member that is running the sessions with our guidance.
We provide sessions plans for all lessons that we co deliver. Each session plan will show the different stages of the lessons and also using the STEP process, we highlight the changes we would make in the case of groups and topics that need to be differentiated.
Lunchtimes are the perfect opportunity for children to get active and increase their physical activity levels and learning in a fun and enjoyable way. The UK government targets each child getting 60 minutes of physical activity everyday in and out of schools. On top of their PE lessons children spend so much time on the playground that it is a great time to utilise keeping children Active.
Whether playing sports or organised games, this time can be vital in encouraging children to enjoy physically active play and interactive games, as well as using it to address other issues in the classroom or within social groups. AJB Sports in Education’s activity programmes and lunchtime clubs allow your pupils to improve their overall fitness and learn valuable skills during their lunchtimes. They can be targeted to improve specific sports skills or fundamentals like coordination, balance, flexibility and agility in a fun, creative and safe environment.
Problems with behaviour or concentration after lunch? Lunchtime clubs are a great way to use physical activity and games to address issues and increase performance after lunch. “New research shows students and teachers report physical activity can improve pupils’ mood, confidence and schoolwork. Physically active children report improvements in their schoolwork, behaviour and mental health, according to new research from Sheffield Hallam University” – Sport England
Targeting specific children and sports? Why not use lunchtimes to create a group for specific children only? We are proud to work in many schools with our lunchtime offer that can vary between working with the less active children, to children who need help with self confidence to targeting specific sports like girls football only.
AJB Sports in Education can offer either a Sport Specific Lunchtime Club or a fun Multi Sports Games Club, both of which can be run indoor or outdoors, dependant on your school’s specific needs and facilities. As with everything that AJB Sports in Education offers, we are happy to work with your school’s individual and unique needs to ensure that all programmes are tailored in the best interests of your pupils.
AJB Sports in Education are able to offer a broad range of after school clubs. We can tailor our clubs to your needs. We have vast experience running clubs like Football, Tennis, Badminton, Hockey as well as American Sports and Multi Sports Clubs to name just a few.
Our Sports Specific After School Clubs improve your child’s sports specific skills by keeping it simple: we believe children learn better through having fun and being creative. At AJB Sports in Education we foster an environment where children can express themselves creatively and enjoy playing the sport, before worrying about competition and the pressure of competing. This approach has constantly shown us the best results in a players level of performance and improvements made to their game. After all, if they are not having fun they will not want to play!
AJB Sports in Education’s coaches have a wealth of experience and qualifications gained through their work both in the UK and the USA. Our carefully created curriculum of skill and fun based games will ensure that your child leaves with a big smile on their face and a notable improvement in their level of skill and understanding of the game – regardless of the sport and their experience.
While your child enjoys emulating their heroes through the many fun and challenging games, they will be learning the valuable foundations of the sports. We also highly value the skill of creativity here at AJB Sports in Education. We love nothing more than an elaborate piece of skill or independent thinking to enhance a child’s skill set and will do everything to encourage this inventiveness and willingness to try new things. During our Sports Specific After School Clubs, not only will your child’s sports skills develop, but they will also gain further experience and improve their social, leadership, teamwork and life skills in the process.
With our Multi Sports After School Clubs, your child will be able to experience and enjoy a wide range of sports throughout the school year, including Football, Badminton, Athletics, Softball, Cricket, Dance, Tag Rugby and Tennis. We also combine these more traditional sports with other fun activities and games, such as Capture the Flag, Rob the Bank and various Parachute games. In addition to these games, we regularly promote creativity in the children by asking them to design and implement their own games. They are encouraged to take ideas from their favourite video games, television shows or internet trends in order to transfer them into interactive, creative and imaginative games. We love to see children using their imagination to come up with unique and inventive games, and then build on their leadership and cooperative skills to explain to the group how to implement and play their game.
All of these sports and activities help to develop your child’s fundamental movement skills, including agility, balance and co-ordination. We then incorporate these skills into more sport specific movements, including throwing and catching, kicking and striking, jumping and skipping. It is important to learn these fundamentals of movement and sport during this vital period of development as it helps children grow through all aspects of their life. By providing your child with this base of fundamental movement skills, they are able to go on to enjoy a life long love of sport that isn’t limited or tailored to just one specific sport. As I’m sure many of us have experienced, who knows what we will end up having a passion for in later life.